So, my purpose of blogging though my weight loss journey has a few purposes. When I get to goal 1, 2, 3, and eventually I get to my goal weight I want to be able to read over my blogs and realize how far I have come. I want it to motivate me to keep striving to be the best version of myself and never give up. Also, I want to inspire other people. If I can lose weight then anyone can. Lets rewind to high school. A close friend and I used to do every single weight loss fad there was: the cabbage soup diet, grapefruit diet, rubbing a concoction of olive oil and red wine vinegar on our fat. We lost and gained weight. I had thin and fat clothes. We smelled of cabbagen and salad, depending on the week. At the time I didn't fully understand being healthy and weight loss. At one point I was down to 120 points and I still thought I had weight to lose. It didn't help to have thin friends who made comments when I was in my fat pants (150 pounds) that lingered in my head no matter how ...
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